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Cara Penentuan ukuran kursi ergonomis berdasarkan antropometri pelajar perempuan sekolah menengah umum terhadap nyeri punggung bawah non spesifik. Studi terhadap derajat nyeri, perubahan kinematika, dan tegangan otot.
2013 | BY Sri Prasetyowati - Angela B.M. Tulaar - Suma’mur P.K - Ratna Juwita Hatma
  • Determining the size of the ergonomic chair based on the female students senior high school antropometric measurements on non specific low back pain. Highlights on the degree of pain, kinematics altered, and muscle tension.
  • Nomor Panggil D13005fk


HIGIENE "Perusahaan dan Kesehatan Kerja'(HIPERKES), edisi 2 / DR. Suma'mur P.K., MSc
2014 | BY DR. Suma'mur P.K., MSc
  • Nomor Panggil WA 400 S955h 2020