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Profil Vitamin D remaja diabetes melitus tipe 1 dan hubungan kadar vitamin D dengan retinopati dan nefropati diabetik
2015 | BY Frida Soesanti - Bambang Tridjadja AAP - Aman B Pulungan- Vitamin D profile in adolescence with type 1 diabetes mellitus and its association with retinopathy and nephropathy diabetic.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 308 FK
Prognosis Pasien Obstruksi Nefropati Pascanefrostomi Perkutan
2014 | BY Jefri Sukmagara - HR. Danarto- Prognosis of obstructive nephropathy patients after percutaneous nephrostomy.
- Nomor Panggil T14421fk
Peran Kombinasi Hidrasi dan N-Acetyl Cysteine terhadap Nefropati Akibat Kontras 48 jam pasca Percutaneous Coronary Intervention pada Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Stadium-3
2014 | BY Lydia D Simatupang - Endang Susalit - Hamzah Shatri - Ika Prasetya Wijaya- The Role of Hydration and N-Acetyl Cysteine combined towards Contrast Induced Nephropathy after 48 hours Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease patients.
- Nomor Panggil T14297fk
Laporan penelitian
Gambaran Histopatologik Nefropati lgA di Jakarta
1994 | BY Sutjahjo Endardjo - Sulisna Himawan- Nomor Panggil LP WJ 353 E56 1994
Laporan penelitian
Sirkulasi lgA Kompleks Imun Pada Penderita Nefropati lgA
1994 | BY Radja Pingkir Sidabutar - Lanny Suwandi - Sutjahjo Endardjo - Rameana Sibarani- Nomor Panggil LP WJ 344 E56 1994
Ledakan Cuci Darah Akibat Diabetes Melitus; Nefropati Diabetik & Penyakit Ginjal Kronis / Lucky Aziza
2007 | BY Lucky Aziza- Nomor Panggil WK 550 L9418 2007