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Efektifitas gerakan Fleksi William terhadap penurunan prevalensi nyeri punggung bawah pada pekerja informal bengkel sepatu
2017 | BY Santody Hasan - Indah S. Widyahening - Sudadi Hirawan- The effectiveness of William's Flexion movement towards the decrease in the prevalence of low back pain in informal shoe production workshops.
- Nomor Panggil T17294fk

Hubungan Jam Terbang dan Beberapa Faktor Lain Terhadap Risiko Fatigue Pada Penerbang Sipil di Indonesia
2017 | BY Febi Arya Hidayat - Indah S. Widyahening - Ferdi Afian- Correlation of flight hours and other factors on fatigue risk among civilian pilots in Indonesia.
- Nomor Panggil T17181FK

Pengaruh Penerapan Program Wellness Terhadap Kepatuhan Menjalankan Latihan Fisik Aerobik dan Perubahan Profil Lipid Darah pada Pegawai Pemerintah
2018 | BY Dina Tri Amalia - Indah S. Widyahening - Imran Agus Nurali- The Effect of a Wellness Program Implementation on the Aerobic Physical Exercise Adherence and Blood Lipid Profile Change of the Government Employee.
- Nomor Panggil T18337fk