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Efek Dilatasi Pupil dan Keamanan Penambahan Anestesi Topikal terhadap Penetesan Tropikamid 0,5% dan Fenilefrin 2,5% pada Mata Neonatus
2015 | BY Rianto Setiabudy - Monika Ratnasari - Rita Sita Sitorus - Indah Suci Widyahening - Julie Dewi Barliana- The Efficacy and Safety of Pre-instilling Topical Anesthetic on Pupillary Dilatation In Newborn Eyes.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 550 FK

Pengaruh Terapi Kombinasi Akupunktur Tanam Benang dan Medikamentosa Terhadap Gejala dan Kualitas Hidup Penderita Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
2015 | BY Intan Suri Baginda - Murdani Abdullah - Adiningsih Srilestari - Kemas Abdurrohim- Effect of Acupoint-catgut Embedment Combined with Medical Treatment on Symptoms and Quality of Life of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Patients.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 549 FK

Perbandingan Laser Fotokoagulasi Panretinal 532 nm Durasi 20 ms DosisTunggal dan 100 ms Dosis Tunggal Serta Terbagi terhadap Ketebalan Makula Sentral (pada Severe Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy dan NonHigh Risk Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy)
2015 | BY Faresa Hilda - ELVIOZA - Aria Kekalih- Comparison of 532 nm Panretinal Laser Photocoagulation of 20 ms Duration Single Session and 100 ms Duration Single Session and Multiple Session toward Central Macular Thickness (in Severe Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy and Non-High Risk Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy).
- Nomor Panggil T 15 507 FK

Efek Pemberian Allopurinol terhadap Komplikasi Pasca Bedah pada Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner dengan Disfungsi Ventrikel Kiri yang Menjalani Operasi Bedah Pintas Arteri Koroner (BPAK)
2015 | BY Siti Fadilah Supari - Nana Maya Suryana - Nur Haryono- Effects of Allopurinol on Complications of Post Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery in Coronary Artery Disease’s Patient with Left Ventricular Dysfunction.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 487 FK

Keefektifan Pencegahan Post Anesthesia Shivering (PAS): Perbandingan Antara Pemberian Ondansetron 4 mg Intravena Dengan Meperidin 0.35 mg/kgBB Intravena Pada Ras Melayu Di RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
2015 | BY Arnaz Fahdika - Eddy Harijanto - Alfan Mahdi- Effectiveness of Prevention of Post Anesthesia Shivering (PAS): Comparison Between administration of Ondansetron 4 mg intravenous With 0.35 mg/kgBW Meperidine Intravenous In the Malay race in RSUPN dr. CiptoMangunkusumo.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 460 FK

Ketepatan Prediksi Rumus Bosenberg terhadap Jarak Kulit ke Rongga Epidural pada Pasien Pediatrik Ras Melayu di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo
2015 | BY Marcellus Simadibrata - Rahmi - Irsan Hasan - Hamzah Shatri- The accuracy of Bosenberg formula to predict skin-epidural distance in Malayan pediatric patient at Cipto Mangunkusumo central hospital.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 459 FK

Efek Latihan Pernapasan sebagai Adjuvan Latihan Fisik terhadap Tekanan Sistolik Arteri Pulmoner pada Pasien Pascabedah Katup Mitral dengan Hipertensi Pulmoner
2015 | BY Bima Suryaatmaja - Andang H. Joesoef - Basuni Radi - aryo soeryo - Sawitri Darmiati - Barita Sitompul- The Effect of Respiratory Training as Adjuvant Exercise Training in Pulmonary Hypertension Post Mitral Valve Surgery.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 438 FK

Perbandingan Kecepatan Penyuntikan Fentanil 5 Detik dan 20 Detik Terhadap Angka Kejadian Fentanyl-Induced Cough (FIC) pada Pasien Ras Melayu yang Menjalani Anestesia Umum
2015 | BY Safroni - Eddy Harijanto - Rudyanto Sedono- Comparison injection rate of fentanyl between 5 seconds and 20 seconds to incidence fentanyl-induced cough (FIC) at Melayu race patients that underwent general anesthesia.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 433 FK

Pengaruh Fluoxetine terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Nitric Oxide Penderita Depresi Pasca Sindrom Koroner Akut
2015 | BY Kuntjoro Harimurti - Noor Asyiqah Sofia,SpPD - Hamzah Shatri - Agus Siswanto- The Influence of Fluoxetine in Nitric Oxide level in Patients with Post Acute Coronary Syndrome Depression.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 407 FK

Perbandingan Perubahan Berat Badan Pada Pasien Pasca Operasi Sumbing Langit-langit yang Diberi Asupan Dengan Dot Panjang Khusus Versus Metode Konvensional
2015 | BY Tessa Puspita Sari - Prasetyanugraheni Kreshanti - Grace Wangge- Relative Body Weight Changes Post Palate Repair in Patients Fed by Long Nipple Nursing Bottle Versus Conventional Feeding.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 403 FK