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Pengambangan vaksin DNA tetravalen Dengue Berbasis Gen prM-E DENV isolat Indonesia: Uji Imunogenesitas vaksin dalam menginduksi antibodi netralisasi dan respon anamnestik untuk semua serotipe DENV.
2015 | BY Dwi Hilda Putri - Pratiwi P. Sudarmono - Tjahjani Mirawati Sudiro - Hak Hotta- Tetravalent DNA vaccine development based on prM-E gene DENV Indonesia strain: Immunogenecity of the candidate DNA vaccine to induce neutralization antibody and anamnestic immune response in mice.
- Nomor Panggil D15005fk
Respons antibodi spesifik HPV16 mencit BALB/c yang diimunisasi Vaksin DNA dan Vaksin antigen Rekombinan L1 secara bersamaan
2023 | BY Aulia Tresna Amalia Ilmi - Budiman Bela - Silvia Tri Widyaningtyas- HPV16 specific antibody response in BALB/c mice immunized simultaneously with L1 DNA vaccine and L1 recombinant antigen vaccination.
- Nomor Panggil T23233fk
Profil Subkelas IgG Mencit yang Diimunisasi Dengan Kandidat Vaksin DNA Tuberkulosis yang Mengekspresikan ResuscitationPromoting Factor D
2019 | BY Wahyu Agung Pratama - Andriansjah Rukmana - Fitriyah- Profile of Igg Subclasses from Mice Immunized with Tuberculosis DNA Vaccine Candidate Expressing Resuscitation Promoting Factor-D.
- Nomor Panggil T19619fk
Karakteristik Protein Spike-1 SARS-CoV-2 Strain Jakarta sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Vaksin DNA
2022 | BY Munawir Umakaapa - Fithriyah - Beti Ernawati Dewi- Characteristics of SARS CoV-2 spike-1 protein Jakarta strain as a basis for DNA vaccine development.
- Nomor Panggil T22557fk
Ekspresi Protein Rekombinan pre-Membran, Envelope, dan Non Struktural 1 (NS1 del) Virus Dengue Serotipe 2 strain Indonesia secara in vitro sebagai Kandidat Vaksin DNA
2016 | BY Fithriyah - T. Mirawati Sudiro - Lola Febriana Dewi- Expression of pre-Membrane, Envelope and Non Structural 1 (NS1 del) Recombinant Proteins from Dengue Virus Serotype 2 Indonesian strain in vitro as DNA Vaccine Candidates.
- Nomor Panggil T16073FK
Analisis Genetik dan Pengklonaan Gen Nonstruktural 3 Virus Dengue Serotipe 4 ke dalam plasmid UMVC4-a sebagai kandidat vaksin DNA
2014 | BY Linlin Haeni - Beti Ernawati Dewi - Tjahjani Mirawati Sudiro- Genetic analysis and cloning of nonstructural 3 dengue virus serotype 4 into plasimid UMVC4a as a candidate DNA vaccine
- Nomor Panggil T14560fk
Analisis Imunogenisitas Kandidat Vaksin DNA prM-E Virus Dengue Serotipe 2 Strain Indonesia melalui Galur Sel U937 In Vitro
2015 | BY Heri Wibowo - Beti Ernawati Dewi - Lenggo Geni- Analysis of Immunogenicity of DNA Vaccine Candidate PrM-E Dengue Virus Serotype 2 Strain of Indonesia through U937 Cell Line In Vitro.
- Nomor Panggil T 15423 FK
Pengembangan Vaksin DNA Influenza A H5N1: Respon Antibodi Spesifik Hemaglutinin Mencit BALB/c terhadap Vaksin DNA Pengekspresi Antigen Fusi Hemaglutinin-CD40L
2014 | BY Heri Wibowo - Gema Puspa Sari - Budiman Bela- Nomor Panggil T14376fk
Pengembangan seed vaksin tuberkulosis: Konstruksi vaksin DNA resuscitation promoting factor B (rpfB) dan ekspresinya secara in vitro dan in vivo.
2017 | BY Fithriyah - Ratih Dian Saraswati - Andriansjah Rukmana- Development of tuberculosis vaccine seed: Construction of resuscitation promoting factor B (rpfB) DNA vaccine and its in vitro and in vivo expression.
- Nomor Panggil T17641fk
Pengembangan seed vaksin tuberkulosis: Konstruksi vaksin DNA resuscitation-promoting factor D (rpfD) serta analisis respon imun humoral dan seluler pada mencit Balb/c
2017 | BY Aprilia Rakhmawati - Anis Karuniawati - Andriansjah Rukmana- The development of tuberculosis vaccine seed: Construction of resuscitation-promoting factor D (rpfD) DNA vaccine and analysis of humoral and cellular immune responses in Balb/c mice .
- Nomor Panggil T17377fk