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Health Workers Knowledge and Practice Towards Food Safety in Malang, East Java
2008 | BY Letiza Sampetoding - Dwinastiti Iswarawanti - Luh Ade Ari Wiradnyani- Nomor Panggil T08260fk
Food safety knowledge and practices and their related factors among ...
2011 | BY Evi Ermayani - Ingrid S. Surono - Drupadi H.S. Dillon- Nomor Panggil T11256fk
The effectiveness of training on cadres' competencies in communicating safe complementary feeding to caregivers.
2012 | BY Dwi Nastiti Iswarawanti - Endang basuki - Achmad - Siti Muslimatun - Saptawati Bardosono- Nomor Panggil D12012fk
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Study of Foods For 6-24 Months Old Children and Food Handler's Practices in Bekasi, West Java
2009 | BY Lina Rospita - Dwi Nastiti Iswarawanti - Otte Santika- Nomor Panggil T09199fk